Three simple ways to engage the services of Queen Consistency

If Content is King then Consistency is Queen.

Consistency is something that can often elude us. But it doesn’t have to be like that. You can develop consistency, just like you brush your teeth every day.

When you create your online content, consistency needs to come into play to make it work for you. Being consistent with your online content doesn’t have to be hard.

If you would rather listen than read then push play below to hear Three simple ways to engage the services of Queen Consistency

Some people are incredible at creating content. They can sit down and write incredible blog posts, or make fabulous videos or record intriguing audios but there comes a time when you need to stop creating and actually share it with the world.

The king ( your content) needs the queen ( your consistency) to make sure your message is heard by your people!

If you struggle to actually create your own content then this blog post will help you out.

Once you do have your own content, you WILL need to engage the services of Queen Consistency,

She, Queen Consistency, is the one that makes sure things get done! To make sure all of the great content you have created gets seen by the right people.

You can write amazing blog posts but if you don’t publish them why don’t you? Maybe like the health coach I worked with last year, he had written so many drafts on his website but had never shared them with anyone.

His excuses were:

  1. They weren’t quite good enough to publish just yet, he needed to fact-check a few more things.

  2. He didn’t want to spend hours on social media, he was too busy to do that!

Under all of that, was an underlying need to be perfect which was stopping him.

As far as not having the time, once we worked out he could get his online content up in a way that suited him, it only took him a few hours a month!

Creating your amazing content is only part of the plan.

Every Queen runs her business the best way for her. Just like your business looks different from other health and wellness coaches so your consistency will look different as well.

You have to find the best way to become consistent that works for you and your business.

Why do you need to be consistent?

Consistency builds the know, like and trust factor with your audience.

That phrase has been used over and over, especially in the online world. You may find yourself ignoring it as it has become so passe. But I still believe people like to interact with people. They still do like to interact with people they know, like and trust. One of the best ways to develop this is to be consistent.

Imagine if you loved going to a shop because they had fabulous healthy treats. You may not go every day but if you wanted to treat yourself or a friend once a week or once a month, you would like to know that you could trust that shop would be open and available to you when you needed it wouldn’t you?

If you showed up and it wasn’t open, when it said it was going to be, then you wouldn’t trust that it would be next time and you would find somewhere else to spend your money.

Your online presence is similar. If you show up for a few weeks in a row but then disappear for months. If no new content shows up on your online platforms. People aren’t going to think you are sticking around for the long term and go find someone who does.

Someone they know will be there when they need them. Someone who has taken the time to get to know them as well as let people get to know them. Someone who they can trust will consistently show up.

What could your consistency look like?

Your consistency could be writing a blog post every month, or sending an email to your community every two weeks.

It could be showing up every week on Facebook to do a live video. It could be three days a week posting on LinkedIn. Scheduling consistently can really help

As you read earlier, consistency needs to suit you, your lifestyle, and your business.

It needs to be easy. If it's not easy then you won’t do it.

Most importantly it has to be sustainable for you.

So how do you become consistent and how do you stay consistent?

Here are three ways to help you do that:


#1 Habit stacking

A habit is a routine or practice performed regularly; an automatic response to a specific situation.

According to James Clear in his book Atomic Habits, habit stacking is the practice of adding an action you want to start doing, (like becoming consistent with your online content), to a routine you already do.

For example, every workday one of the first things I do is take a walk to the lake near my house. It’s a very supportive habit, I get outside into nature and feel great.

Usually, I take a photo on the way. When I get home that photo is shared as part of my online presence along with either an observation or a business tip inspired by my walk. It doesn’t take very long, it’s easy to do, and has become a habit stacked on to another habit in my day.

So to start becoming consistent with your online presence, is there something you do already? Something that you could tap into that would inspire ideas to share?

If you are struggling with inspiration you can use these ideas to start you off. 52 Ideas for Health and Wellness Coaches.

#2 Habit Replacement

Finding time to add in extra jobs to our day can feel very overwhelming.

Feeling like you have to add creating an online presence to your already full day of seeing clients and running your business can be a huge block.

Look for your habits that don’t support you and REPLACE them with ones that do SUPPORT you. This is another way to build consistency.

Many health and wellness coaches do look and compare themselves with other coaches online. You may find yourself in the habit of sitting down for a break and scrolling mindlessly on social media ( let’s be honest if you’re human you have done this at least once! I know I have done this 100’s of times)

What if you changed this unsupportive habit of scrolling (and comparing) to one of going onto your social media with an intention? An Intention to engage with comments on your page, to offer your valuable insight to your ideal audience in a group, to post your latest blog post on your personal page.

Having an intention, that is based around supportive habits, like having a cup of tea that hydrates you, can really help you to be and stay consistent.

#3 Records, competition, accountability

To be consistent means doing that habit regularly.

I mentioned earlier about choosing a time that supports you to be sustainable. Once you have chosen that time a really helpful way to stay consistent is to measure it, to tell someone you are going to do it or make a competition out of it.

Depending on your personality, one or all three of the above can help you stay consistent.

I have a friend of mine who wouldn’t do any exercise unless there was a competition involved! A competition often requires you to bring in someone to compete against. That helps with accountability.

Of course, you can compete against yourself or simply have an accountability buddy to check in with each week or month to help you stay consistent with your online content.

Personally, I love seeing a big tick next to each day that my blog post is published.

Consistency is as individual as you.

Becoming and staying consistent with your online presence is as individual as your health and wellness practice.

You have your way of delivering the results your clients need. Your online content and your very presence online has to be unique to your needs.

If you are struggling with showing up consistently online then you can try one or all of these three things:

  1. Find a supportive habit that would fit well with your online content presence

  2. Replace an unsupportive online habit with a new one that has a better intention

  3. Make it measurable.

Once you start being consistent, it becomes easier, like a habit, to become an automatic part of your business.

Engage Queen Consistency and start creating that healthy presence online.

I love helping health and wellness coaches/professionals create and keep a healthy presence online. If you would like some assistance with your online consistency then I would love to have a chat and see where I can help you.

You can book a call with me here.

Photo by Liza Pooor on Unsplash


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