Hi Sue here, lover of beaches, mountains, exercise and helping women create and keep a healthy presence online.
Working Online Means You Can Work from Anywhere!
Helping people has always been a part of me. In previous off-line workplaces. like the podiatry clinic, ski resort or Crossfit gym, nothing gave me more joy than seeing a person develop and get what they wanted from their job or their life.
Helping people with their online presence seemed like a natural fit even if that’s not exactly what I had ever imagined for myself.
Being visible online can be scary. Especially if you are like me. Only using Social Media for staying in touch with family and friends. Email for work and visiting a website to do internet banking. It was my husband that did all that online “stuff”. Not me. That was until it was.
Starting this online journey on the dare of a friend may not have been the usual way one gets into these things but that was me. A few years ago, I started a medical conference business with my husband, a whole new world and language opened up and it was tough. So many choices and different ways to do things. Wouldn’t it be great to have a guide, someone who gets what I am going through? Surely there must be more people on this online journey that could do with some help?
Your Virtual Fit aims to do just that by helping you find the right fit for you and your business.
What People Are Saying
“With the key tools that I gained from our last meeting online,I have got busier with online orders. I am so pumped and excited for my next meeting with you Sue. Thank you”
Kajal M NZSuelo
Sue is a whiz with content creation and planning! I have avoided blogging and wasn't consistent with my facebook posting because I had not been able to streamline my writing process. An hour with Sue and I am now much more confident and I have clearly defined topics to start with! About 20 solid ideas! Thank you so much Sue!!!
Melody M Own Your Muchness Maven

Let me help you find Your Virtual Fit
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