Help I have no time! How to slow down to get things done faster

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You know you need to stay visible online otherwise how will you grow your business, but where will you find the time?

Time is such a precious commodity.

It's the one thing we can’t get back, make more of or control.

How is it that we all get the same number of hours in the day but some people seem to be able to get so much more done than most? They seem to be able to do so much more than the average person!

These are the people that slow down to go fast.

You often hear it in the gym. My coach has always said if you want to go faster then you have to slow down.

So what does this all mean and how does it apply to your content?

In a workout, especially a CrossFit workout (Yes, I do drink the Kool-Aid) there are a number of components to each workout. For example, if you have a workout that requires you to move from a kettlebell to a pullup bar to a rower, then you will not only need to know how to use each piece of equipment, you will need to know how to move between each component.

A great strategy to do this particular workout is to know exactly, which weight kettlebell suits you, how many pullups you can do before you get tired and how to get in and out of the rower. All of these movements take time to learn of course, but once you know what you’re doing you can create a strategy to approach this workout; believe it or not moving slowly between stations actually allows you to complete the workout faster!

It took a while for me to figure this out. The basic premise behind it is that if you slow down, think about what you are doing and how to move between stations then you will move more efficiently, with less stress and get done faster!

Over time you get to know your strengths and weaknesses and you adjust accordingly so that you are always able to slow down and go faster.

Another way to look at it is like this: a strategy for the long haul.

As a coach, you know that your clients don’t need to be doing ( and really shouldn’t be ) doing a full-on workout every single day if they want to keep showing up and not burn out! I am sure you have seen those folks that start a new fitness program at the gym, turn up every day for the first couple of weeks, then crash hard and never come back!

They have no strategy. No thought into planning rest days and different types of exercise that allow them to maintain a steady pace and actually reach their fitness goal! If they do then massive changes happen and they create a life long habit of fitness.

The same thing can happen to you when you start creating great content to put online.

You get excited. You have so many ideas to share. You start posting furiously. Which is great, to begin with. When you don’t have a plan, how do you keep up the momentum when the ideas start to fade when you run out of time because you’re busy with clients? Or life gets busy or you’re simply too tired to think of something to share today? You can quickly get overwhelmed and then stop because it just becomes too hard to keep going!

I get it because that was me too! If you develop a plan that is easy to follow, simple to use you can keep going even when you are busy.

A good plan can slow you down, so you can go faster!

When you are busy with clients, it’s such a great feeling! You are helping so many people achieve their goals and it’s exactly why you decided to do this in the first place! At first, you keep up a degree of content posting, but then you get even busier with coaching clients. So this month you show up less and less online. By the time you have seen your clients, done your own workouts and had a life there is no time to write that blog or create a social media post. But that’s ok you think I will get back to it eventually.

Then a few months later a couple of clients finish up. You now have time on your hands and maybe even worried that more people will finish up and you know you have to attract more. So you start up again with little thought as to what you actually want to say. You may end up scrolling other peoples feeds and simply share what they're saying.

You think I just need to get a few more clients signed up, I just need to get something out there because it's been so long,. Even if the content your share is not exactly “you” or totally relevant to your ideal client you share it anyway because you have to do something!

You end up posting in an ad hoc manner, numerous times a day with no purpose, no goal in mind. You’re feeling so overwhelmed. You start to spend too much time online, you think should I start a blog or send some emails? Then the comparison starts.

The Social Media research cycle is such a time thief.

When I first started in this online world, I used to spend HOURS online. Ask my husband, Are you still on that computer?  Cue eye roll

I was "researching". Endlessly scrolling my social media feed. Reading ALL the emails and blogs from every expert.

Getting ideas, yes, but more often than not I would get FOMO! Thinking I wasn't doing enough! Talk about wasting my time, feeling inadequate and all the other jealous feelings that arise when you are only looking at the highlight reels.

It wasn't until I stopped scrolling and started getting clear what it was that I wanted to share with my audience that I was actually able to significantly decrease the amount of time I spent online. In fact, I now share more online than I ever did before, including sending regular emails, blogging and social media.

You can stay visible. and more importantly, free up more time for working with your clients. It is possible when you know what to do each day, week and month.

Figuring out exactly what to do can be your biggest challenge

Think about your clients, how difficult it is for them to create their own fitness program? That's why they come to you!

What they do, do, however, is make the time to come and see you. To let you know what they want to achieve, they trust that you know how to help them. Together you work out a strategy that gets them the results they want. This always helps them move through their fitness journey faster than if they did it themselves.

Slow down, get the program in place, take action, get results faster.

It's exactly the same for you and your online content strategy. Slow down, take some time, see the big picture and create your content strategy. Implement an easy to follow, simple process that the more you use, the more time it saves you.

You may think you don’t have any time but…

What if you spent less time scrolling and more on thinking about what you wanted to share?

What if you slowed right down and got really clear on what results you regularly get for your clients?

What if you went slow to go fast?

It doesn’t make sense to our brains to slow down to get things done but when you do it makes life so much easier.

Yes, you can create your own strategy I have this great FREE DOWNLOAD for you here to help you through the process yourself or you can work with someone who has been where you are right now, understands what you need and can guide you to achieving your results faster.

If you would like some guidance you can easily reach me via my contact page.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash


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