How to save your precious time by Repurposing your content
Reduce, reuse, recycle it’s known as repurposing in the online world.
Today let’s explore the first part of the triad and reduce the amount of time you spend online.
If you would rather listen than read then push play below to hear how to save your precious time online by repurposing your content
Repurposing your online content is the process of reusing your content over and over again in different ways.
You have spent so much time doing the creation it’s a shame to only use it once. This is why repurposing is something I will write about over and over as well! See what I did there!
Be like the news
You can use your content like the news. As you know the news is repeated several times a day, and nobody really minds at all. It means you can catch up with what you need to know when you want.
Have you noticed on the news that TV stations don’t always create a new clip? More often than not they repeat the same message and use the same pictures all day. This saves them TIME
By repurposing YOUR online content you can be like the news and save so much time.
Time to do all the other things you need to do in business AND in your life.
Like stay fit, hang out with family, see more clients etc. Not only that but because you are repeating your message you give people more of a chance to hear what you have to say!
But HOW does this repurposing actually save you time?
You still need to create the posts, write the blogs, and emails don’t you?
That’s a great question and let’s take a look at that now.
It can be helpful to think about repurposing your online content in the same way you think about looking after the planet.
When you Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle your materials for Mother Earth, you are creating a longer-term future. When you reduce reuse and recycle your online content you can create a long term future for your presence online.
Let’s look at the first part of the repurposing cycle for your online content.
While you don’t necessarily want to reduce the amount of content you put out there online (in some circumstances you actually may want to do this. Taking my Online Content Health Check will help show you if that’s your case ).
You will definitely want to reduce the amount of TIME you spend online.
To start reducing the time you take on your online content you need to look at these three things:
1/ Thinking Time
2/ Research Time
3/ Doing Time
THINKING TIME IS so important.
Thinking is your greatest gift as a human. It’s not always easy and can be overlooked.
You can think about what it is you want to do, be and have in your life. And what you want your online content to look like.
This is where you start creating your online content strategy and plan, which when done well can keep your online presence healthy for years to come.
I am a great believer in the power of thinking before acting ( sometimes a little too much thinking and not enough action ) overthinkers unite! Sometimes though, when you are busy thinking time becomes super precious and must be protected.
Scheduling time to think in your day may feel like a luxury but it is the foundation of what you provide.
In thinking time you can come up with new ideas for your content, but it’s not. only about your online content. You can use your thinking time for ways to make your clients healthier and new ways to do things in your business as well.
Thinking is so important
So why reduce thinking time?
You don’t want to reduce it overall but you want to make sure you are using it in all aspects of your business.
Scheduling a certain time for thinking about your content each week or month, focuses that thinking time to create ideas to use throughout the month
Which most importantly frees up thinking time to use on the other things mentioned above so you can spend less time online while still growing your business.
RESEARCH TIME can be a HUGE time sucker!
Research can take many forms, some more effective than others.
Keeping up with the latest trends in health and fitness in your niche is important. You want to stay on top of any new scientific developments and be ready to adapt them to help your clients if appropriate.
Be careful here, many of my clients as health coaches are fabulous researchers, but often spend far too much time over-researching and never get around to getting their content seen online.
Researching ideas for your online content can be good if you are looking with intent. Often you are looking for ideas on social media (aka scrolling or Procrastiscrolling) This type of “research can easily waste away three hours of your time before you know it!
Another type of research is researching what your clients need to hear from you.
What problems they need you to solve for them and how you can help them are all necessary.
Time spent over researching is a trap, making you feel like you have been super busy but with no real outcome to show for all that time.
When you really know this stuff, know your audience and their needs wants and how to speak to them then you can spend less time in research mode and you can make minor tweaks to your message on an ongoing basis
Actual research like the latest trends is important. Procrastiscrolling not so much!
DOING TIME is not spending time in jail. Though for some being “stuck ‘ behind a computer or on a smartphone DOING time to prep your content may feel like a life sentence!
Doing time is when you actually prepare your content. Getting it ready to publish, setting up the scheduling and releasing it to the online world.
One of the BEST ways to reduce time spent in the doing is to create and use templates. With a great content strategy and plan, you will be regularly repeating your message.
Remember the news, they use the same template, you know exactly which channel is putting that piece of news out there because they create branded templates to deliver their stories.
Creating templates that reflect your brand, and voice that you can use over and over again to deliver your messages saves you hours of doing time.
Canva is a great place to start creating templates. And yes, your original templates will take time to create but once created your hours are saved as you reuse them. going forward.
Repurposing can be thought of as the three R’s - Reduce, Reuse Recycle.
The first part of the puzzle you now know more about in this online content repurposing puzzle is reducing
Reducing the different types of your time.
By incorporating all of these three things you have the beginnings of a repurposing practice for your online content that will save you hours of time
AND still, get you seen online.
In the next blog, we will talk about the second part of repurposing which is REUSING your content for more ways to save your precious time.
If you want some more tips on how to repurpose your content so that you save time to do more of what you want, then let’s book a call and see how that looks for you.
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