Comparisonitis got you down? Stop now: find out how to use inspiration
Stop the comparison and be inspired to be you
When it comes to creating your online content do you ever get hamstrung by Comparisonitis?
You want to show up online, you want to be confident just like XXX ( insert your favourite well-known health coach in your industry) So you follow them all over the world wide web.
You start looking for inspiration but sometimes it feels like you could never measure up
Comparing yourself to others - we all do it,
Because we want to know we are doing it right!
You see someone else’s success and you want that!
And that is good
But more often than not after scrolling for a while ( le’s be honest we all do it),
You start to compare, and you start to feel a bit of unease forming in your gut.
You tell yourself, they know so much more than YOU, look better than YOU, say things better than you ever could,
you start feeling unsure AND lose confidence in your own ability.
And that’s in part due to our culture,
We are taught from a young age to look to others for guidance: parents school teachers, peers to fit in, bosses at work
When you make that brave move into the world of your own business some days you can feel a little adrift, a little overwhelmed.
All of a sudden there is no one telling you what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
Although these may even have been the reasons you started your coaching business. Being your own boss, having the freedom to work how and when you choose. These were and probably still are your driving force.
Most days are great. But then there are those days which we all experience, where there is a little “doubty head”. When you hear that voice saying I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to say,
Looking to others is normal
So you look to others, it’s perfectly normal.
You look at others in your field, others that you admire, others that appear to be doing it ALL right.
But by comparing yourself to others you can start to feel a little vulnerable.
The problem is that these people may not have your best interests at heart, in fact, they may not know you at all!
And on top of that, you only see what they want you to see.!
So the comparison is of their highlights to your lowlights!
And that’s never a good comparison.
It’s like comparing your yoga moves when you first start to the yogi on Youtube who has been practising for decades and wondering why your body doesn’t where theirs goes.
it’s like your client who wants to get fitter and stronger looking at Tia-Clair Toomey and thinking I will never be able to lift that weight, so they don’t even start.
Instead of looking at others and comparing, maybe take a step back and look at them for inspiration.
This is where inspiration turns to comparison.
Comparisonitis - yep it’s a thing
Comparisonitis MOST OFTEN hits when YOU are not sure what to do next.
When you don’t have a plan of your own to follow. Like your online content for example, if you don’t know what YOU want to say when you show up online, then you look to others.
What are they saying? Where are they showing up?
But because they are NOT you, when you try and do what they do, it doesn’t feel right. When it doesn’t work you feel like a failure.
Or it can show up after a so-called “failure”
Maybe YOU tried to do a promotion of your new service online and the results were not what you wanted.
Why didn’t it work like XXX? When they did this they got 100’s of people signing up for their service. Maybe they did.
But maybe the results they are showing you are after promotion number 100 and you have only done one! Or maybe they have an email list of 1000’s and yours is less than 100.
Again YOU don’t know the entire story.
Comparison is painful and a waste of your time.
Change comparison to inspiration
So how do you change this and begin to move towards what you want?
You start by focusing on YOU. and
You begin by creating and sharing your own online content. Your own messages.
You can do this by going back and remembering why you went into this health coaching business.
When you had this idea I am pretty sure you didn’t say to yourself “I am going to build my business to be exactly like XXX”
You started because you knew you could help people with a problem they had.
When you remember this, you can stop comparing yourself to XXX or anyone else.
You can show up online and share what you know with the people you want to help.
This is made easier when you focus on the ONE’s.
The ONE’s are a simple framework that helps you simplify the process of creating your message to share online.
Once you know your ONE’s the rest follows and you can ditch the comparison and turn it into inspiration!
Use inspiration instead when looking at other people posts. Be inspired to grow and explore ideas your way. No longer will you see what you think you should be doing and think I can’t. You can look at them objectively and ask how will this help my presence and my audience?
Comparisonitis is something that most, if not all, small business owners experience when they start to show up online.
Creating and sharing your own content can help you go from comparison, when you look at other successful health coaches and health professionals online presence, to inspiration.
When you start focusing on your ONE’s then it gets easier to be inspired and ditch the comparisonitis for good.
The process of discovering your ONE’s and using them to create your online presence is a way to move towards inspiration. If you would like help uncovering yours I’d love to help you.
Book a free call with me and let’s get inspired to create and keep a healthy presence online without the comparisonitis.
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash