Content overwhelming you? 3 simple ways to stop that now


Have you ever felt it? That feeling of  “I MUST DO THAT NOW!!”

I must get my content organised, planned and scheduled otherwise I am doomed?


You have spent all that time creating high-quality content, and now you need to get it out of your head. It needs to be delivered to your target audience. You know they need this. But something is stopping you from actually taking the step to simply do it.

It’s that feeling of overwhelm where you simply don't know where to start or what to do next! 

Instead, you end up making your 10th cup of tea for the morning, or find yourself watching another cute cat video in the name of research or even doing some other work in your business that is more fun than this… 

I get it, I have made many cups of tea in the pursuit of progress. I want to remind you and


But it doesn’t always have to BE like this 

Having the right tools to help you can make all the difference to how your day pans out, your week, even your month. If you can get that content out to your audience in a simple easy-to-use system then it frees you up to go back to the cat videos or work on other aspects of your business. 

There are so many amazing tools out there that you can choose from. Finding the right fit for you is important. There is no one size fits all. Over the years I have used many different ones on my biz journey and wanted to share with you what I am using right now. 

Here are my 3 favourite tools

I use everyday to help me manage my content, instead of it managing me - and decreasing my trips to the kitchen by a lot! 

#1 Google Calendar - this is #1 for all my business tasks but even more so for my content management. It is here where I schedule a time every day / week / month to review, plan and implement my content management plan. 

#2 Google drive - my Google drive spreadsheet shows me exactly what CONTENT I am sharing with my audience and when. 

I tried so many systems from all over the world wide web to organise my content. I finally created my own version. I now it share with my clients when we work together during their Content Strategy Sessions. 

I literally use it every day.

It has my themes (each month) and my topics (each week) all laid out for me to easily see. This is particularly helpful if I am having one of those multiple cups of tea days and I need a boost!

Yes, I had to spend some time setting it up! But creating these types of things is part of my super skillset and it was time so worth taking.

 #3 Scheduling tools -these tools allow you to schedule your content in advance and they are invaluable. 

I use SCHEDULING TOOLS when working with clients and for my own content that I want to share regularly. 

For Facebook and Instagram I use Facebook Creator studio. For LinkedIn I use Buffer and for “Evergreen” posts I want people to see more than once I use Recurpost. 

I still do a lot of daily content that I don't use a scheduler for, (HOWEVER I do have time scheduled in my Google calendar to do these daily posts) 

THE main thing I love about all of these tools is that they are FREE! 

This was so helpful to me at the beginning of my business to keep costs to a minimum. That and the fact that they save me so much time, by keeping me organised.

The feeling of knowing exactly what I need to do each day is priceless and

HELPS stops that procrastination I used to experience so often.

Not saying it’s gone for good but it shows up a lot less!

THESE are the tools I use for my Social Media Content management.  For my other content, like emails and blog posts I do use different tools but that’s for another post!

Finding the right tools for you to manage your content is like finding a treasure map for your business.

They give you direction and they save you time. You know exactly what you need to do next and when to do it

They take away that horrible feeling of “oh no I must do it now” and change it into “I got this”!

If you want to feel more like I got this than I want to make another cup of tea,

then grab one of my content strategy sessions, where we can set up your own tools and systems to manage your content! 

Photo by Milena Trifonova on Unsplash


How to make content your own and share it


Oh no, what happened to my content ideas last night?