Three crazy beliefs holding you back from creating your own online content


Creating your own content can feel overwhelming. It’s ok, you're not alone in feeling that. But did you realise it may be just your crazy beliefs that are actually holding you back?

Creating your own content, your own online content is something everyone who uses the internet to attract clients needs to be doing.

Why, because your voice is important. it’s your voice that will develop trust, and overcome the barriers people put up when choosing to work with the right health coach for them.

Your niche, the work that you do, can only be done the way you do it, by you. Sounds a little crazy when you put it like that. But it’s true.

Even if there are 100 health and wellness coaches doing what you do ( and there probably are ) none of those coaches are you.  Your clients choose to work with you, because of how they resonate with you and your voice.

Your knowledge is only a small part of it.  as much as you would like to think that people are attracted to you because you have learnt all this stuff, sorry, that is important but it’s only part of it.

People are more likely to work with you when they feel connected with you. Without creating your own content to share with them online how can they easily connect?

Imagine this

You are sharing some great insights, tips and tricks related to your niche but from another coach who is the polar opposite to you in personality Even though your topic is the same, the way you would deliver it to your client 1:1 is so different When you do get a client on a call there will be a mismatch because the content that attracted them was not you -

What is it that stops you from creating your own content?

The simple answer is It is your beliefs.

Beliefs are very interesting. As a health coach, you often work to change people behaviours by helping them change their beliefs about themselves. It should not come as a surprise then, that you may have to change some of your beliefs to start creating your own online content.

These THREE beliefs are at the top of why you ( and other health and wellness coaches ) don’t believe you can create your own online content.

  1. You believe you don’t have the time to do it

  2. You believe other people say it better than you can

  3. You believe that you don't know what to say

Let’s take a look at each of these, and do some belief debunking?

Belief #1

I don't have the time.

You have so much to do in your business. You have to work with your clients, you have to do all the backend stuff of running a business. Plus you have to attend to life in general. yOU HAVE NO time LEFT to add in content creation on your To-Do list!

But it really is a matter of priorities!

You will always make time for things that matter in your life. Often you will make time for those things that are urgently put in front of you by other people.

You tell yourself. when things slow down then I'll make time to do that, when I have more time I’ll do that, but because it's not urgent in the here and now it never gets done.

UNTIL it gets to the stage of, wow things have slowed down, where are my new clients coming from ??

Making your online content a priority before this happens is key.

Start by prioritising ONE hour a week to create ONE piece of content.

One piece of really great content is your aim. This simple way of looking at it can be very powerful in changing your beliefs around your online content.

It's how I started back in 2020. I believed I didn’t have time to write blog posts, nope no time, too busy.

My belief that I didn’t have time was also compounded by the thought that I didn’t like to write anyway so why bother.

The actual truth was I had no idea how to start writing a blog. But when I set myself an hour every Monday to write guess what? I did it! 

I also found someone to help me figure out how to write a blog. I started using a template from my good friend Gemma Knight from Gemma Knight Writes, I still use it today.

This is blog post #22 since publishing number 1 in July 2020! You can find them all in my blog library.

It doesn’t have to be a blog, it could be a social media post, a Youtube video or an infographic. It’s your business, your choice.

Belief #2

Others say it better than me so I'll just share their stuff.

You have a unique voice and with that a unique way of explaining and teaching what you do.

The way you share your knowledge resonates with certain people and they deserve to hear it from you.

Even if you are teaching the same things as 100's of other health and wellness coaches/professionals, it's your way that your people need to hear. You serve them differently because your coaching style is unique to you.

There are so many content strategists out there, probably thousands. I serve you by focusing on your online content,  looking at your big picture and how it all fits together. Then I focus on the details with you to make sure your message is getting out to your audience.

Your voice is important.

Your clients need to hear what you want to say and they need to hear it in your words. It doesn't mean you can’t share other peoples great content, not at all. Sharing great content that helps your audience learn more is always valuable.

Sharing other peoples content can be a great way to start creating a healthy presence online. To increase your confidence, to help you show up and get visible.

What is important is to put your own spin on it. When you do this you start the process of creating your own content.

  • Tell your audience why this piece of content is important enough for you to share it with them.

  • Tell them what it’s about and why it’s helpful to them

  • Tell them how you can help them with it in your unique way


I don’t know what to say!!!

This is the ONE belief that I hear most often from so many people wanting to take their business online.

Waking up in the morning and having to think of what to say that day can be so overwhelming.

It takes so much brainpower and time and effort to think of something to say Every. Single. Day. So many health coaches tell themselves this Every. Single. Day. It's simply not true and I will tell you why.

Because you know them.

  • You know what questions to ask them to get to know them and their problems.

  • You know how to answer their questions.

  • You know how to help them.

  • You let them know how you can help them in every single session you have with them.

Every. Single. Day you work with your clients you DO know exactly what to say!

The only difference between your 1:1 or group and your online content questions and answers is that with the online content you don’t have someone right in front of you to ask you the questions!

What can you do?

You need to think about those questions you hear most often from your clients and then you answer them online!


Here are three ways to start.

  1. Create a blog post, answer a question you hear often and are a star at answering

  2. Send an email to give some valuable insights on how your audience can deal with a particular issue

  3. Create a social media post - ask your audience a question, and ask for responses

But Every. Single. Day, it still sounds hard?

It’s true it's not easy to come up with a question/answer every single day.

However, there are ways to make it simple.

It gets back to Belief #1 around time priorities.

Make time for yourself every single week or month to sit down somewhere quiet.

Just take ONE hour, that's all. To sit down and think of all of those questions your clients have asked you for help for this week/ month.

Write them down keep them in a google doc or file. Wherever that is make sure it is easy for you to access and use.

If you need help then download this Brainstorming Checklist. . This will guide you through the process of capturing all those questions which will become your own online content.

Next, you can then organise your ideas into like topics and allocate one to each month. This is what I have done, I have six broad online content topics which are repeated every six months. Schedule these on your calendar.

Then every day you can share your own content answering a question you know your clients are interested in because they have asked you about it already.

You will know exactly what to say Every. Single. Day!

If you are struggling to create your own online content, you can start to plan a successful online content plan, where you know what to say every day, by booking a call with me here.

Photo by Ethan Robertson on Unsplash


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