Want to know HOW to REPURPOSE your online content? Use these 3 simple steps

Does your content bring you joy?

If yes, then why not repurpose it?

And while I must acknowledge Marie Kondo for that statement, it was while working with a health coach client that it was first applied to online content rather than clothes in the cupboard.

The process of using your online content over and over again is called Repurposing.

You may have heard it mentioned, it’s a very popular catchphrase at the moment online. Once you have created a piece of content the thing to do is repurpose it.

But what is repurposing and how do you do it?

I have written about repurposing in past blogs, which I will refer to as you read through this post.

Repurposing is such an important part of your online content strategy that I have created a workshop dedicated to the art of repurposing.

You can register here.

Repurposing your online content makes so much sense.

When done well and with a strategy behind it, you can save so much time and energy so that you can do other things.

Other things in your business and in your life.

So what is repurposing?

Repurposing can be thought of as the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse Recycle.

You can read the original repurposing blog post here

Here is a quick overview:

1/ Reduce

Reduce the amount of content you need to create

The first part of the puzzle in this online content repurposing puzzle is reducing

Reducing the different types of your time.

  1. Reducing THINKING TIME

  2. Reducing RESEARCH TIME

  3. Reducing DOING TIME

2/ Reuse

Repetition repetition repetition

If you can, think about your content like the news

The news is repeated over and over throughout the day.

Often it is the same exact video clip on TV or the exact same audio on the radio or the exact same post on social media.

Repetition is key. And the news channels do this really really well.

So take a leaf out of the mass media book and don’t be afraid to repeat YOUR message and repeat it often by reposting your online content as it is.

3/ Recycle

Recycling your online content is what you do after you have created it and reused it.

It’s where you take that piece of cornerstone content and turn it into something different.

Often you will create your cornerstone piece of content in the format that you love the most.

If you need some ideas on how to recycle your content this will help

There is a fourth step in this REPURPOSING framework that many people forget about.

And that is to REVIEW to your online content.

REVIEWING is a game-changer

By reviewing what works and what doesn’t work you can decide which content is worth your time repurposing. And we all know how important your time is, don’t we?

This is the ONE step that I wish I had started from the beginning of my content creation journey. it would have saved me hours and hours of time.

So HOW do you go about repurposing?

First, you need to set aside time to do the review process and choose the content that brings you joy and resonates with your audience

Choose a time that is sustainable for you and your biz.

It could be weekly monthly or quarterly. - I do mine monthly, as I find weekly doesn’t always give enough information and quarterly is too much content to review quickly. You decide what works best for you.

Next, look at your favourite posts.

  • What does bring you joy?

  • What makes you think, yep that’s me and I feel good sharing that.

Then take a look at whether those posts got much engagement, or in other words did they resonate with your audience.

By engagement I mean, how many likes, comments, shares, and of course leads and sales did that piece of content generate.

Of course within your content strategy, each piece will have its own intention. Was it for fun, education, or a straight sales post? This will affect your engagement stats so be wise here.

You will need a system to access your content.

Once you have chosen your best content to repurpose you need a place to keep it, like an online library.

Even if you haven’t created much or any content this can be super helpful to have this setup, to begin with

Once you have your library set up then you can add your best-performing pieces as you move forward in your content creation journey.

Repurposing involves:

Reducing the amount of content you create.

Reuse your best content over and over.

Recycling that content into other formats to reach more people

Don’t forget to Review your content regularly.

Once you have reduced, reused, recycled and reviewed your online content your repurposing is complete.

However to really take full advantage. of the repurposing framework, it helps to have a place to store it so that it’s easily accessible. Repurposing means using your content over and over again.

You need to be able to find your best content whenever you want to use it.

The Repurposing Workshop will help guide you through the entire Repurposing process.

You can register for it below.

The Repurposing Workshop

Want to find out how you can halve the amount of time you spend online?

The REPURPOSING WORKSHOP is on Tuesday, May 16th, at 10am AEST.

Come join me for FREE to learn how to use that wonderful content of yours over and over again.

You can register here.

Or if you missed it register your interest for the next one here

Photo by The 77 Human Needs System on Unsplash


Try as hard as you can with NO strategy in mind…. said no one ever.


Set and Forget Your Online Content? 3 reasons why it’s a terrible idea