How to keep focus in the holidays

I am sure I don’t need to tell you it’s nearly Christmas! Holidays are here!

After such a crazy year many people will be glad to see the end of 2020!

If you would rather listen than read then push play below to hear How to keep focus in the holidays.

I DO love this time of the year. Always have done. I love the food, the sun and hanging out, relaxing with friends and family. And this year is no different. I am looking forward to my break.

Do you have plans for a complete rest and relaxation between Christmas and New Year?
Maybe you are the type of person who had everything all organised and sorted by the end of November!

Or you might be frantically trying to get everything done at the last minute. Get the pressies wrapped, the menu written etc.

What about in your business?

This year is the year I had to focus more on my online business. My other job, like so many other people, was no longer an option for me, so this year it’s a little different. I

Maybe you can relate to that as well? Maybe this was the year that you had to pivot, or maybe you were the one trying to run a business, homeschool your kids and run your household.

So now you are really, really looking forward to having a break! Which is so well deserved!

But I ask you, have you thought about what happens online between Christmas and New Year and even into January?

Now you may be thinking, Sue what are you talking about?

Nothing happens between Christmas and New Year, nobody is buying then.

Everyone is at the beach or the bach!

If you think about it like this, people who are on holidays may actually have more time to scroll, more time to click on your link and MORE TIME to find out about your biz and they may even have some Christmas cash to buy your stuff!

So the holidays can be an awesome time of year for promoting your business.

Now I know you don’t want to miss out, FOMO and all that

So what can you do?


Make sure you don’t simply fall off the radar. Now is the time to stay visible

If you haven’t thought about this and have nothing prepared, never fear! This is probably the easiest time of year to create a quick behind-the-scenes video or photo post.

Something Christmasy and related to you and your business. You know nearly everyone will be talking about the season, kids finishing school, buying presents online, and keeping in touch with family, especially if they’re OS.

Any of these things can be relatable to many people who are your clients.

If you have something exciting happening in your biz next year start sharing it now.

A new service or product in the time between Christmas and New Year can be a great time to do that.


Set aside some time to create some engaging posts. Now before you roll your eyes again, you can set aside 30-60 minutes, create 3 videos or text posts and schedule them!

They don't have to be long to be effective.

Make sure they are valuable for your clients, either fun, creating a connection or educational so they can learn something FROM YOU.

If you use a scheduling tool like Facebook Creator Studio, for example, you can maintain a presence without actually having to post “ live” each day!

So take those videos or text posts you created and schedule them.


I don’t want to overwhelm you at all. That is not the point.

Keep your posts simple.

Think one problem AND one solution for each post you create.

Remember that focusing on that one thing gives you and your client clarity.

Creating a few posts to go out over this time will ensure you are still showing up.

Keep in mind that not every person is taking a technology break between Christmas and New Year.

Many will still be scrolling on their smartphones. Perhaps even more than usual!

Use this time as an opportunity to get in front of their eyeballs and say hi!

Remind them that you are still here.

By simply having a few posts scheduled to go out over the holidays YOU can still be visible and get in your RNR.

How awesome does that sound?

This is where the value of having a content strategy and working with an online content coach

as well as using scheduling tools, especially for this time of the year can be clearly seen.

Even now don’t think it’s too late to get visible!

You can still get some Behind-the-Scenes type posts out for between Christmas and New Year.

I know you can. I believe in you!!

If you want to be really prepared for January and beyond then you can always jump on a call with me here.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash


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Does your content have purpose or is it just overwhelming you?