Does your content have purpose or is it just overwhelming you?

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash

Online Overwhelm is more common than you think, the good news is you can escape it

Have you created so much content, it is overwhelming you?

You may have done what one of my clients did, and gone from being stuck with nothing to say to having over 20 topics to write about! It can happen, especially if you have used my Brainstorming Checklist. .

Now you have all this content and you just can’t seem to organise yourself.

Maybe you are posting erratically and feeling discouraged by the lack of engagement.

Don’t worry it isn’t you…It is your lack of structure.

What you need is a purpose for your content!

Think of it like a giant jigsaw puzzle, each piece needs its own place to make the big picture. Like each piece of the jigsaw puzzle has its purpose in making the puzzle complete, so does each of your pieces of content.

Here are 5 tips to get you started.

OR you can bypass that and simply jump on a call with me here.

1/ Choose your platform

Where are you going to share your amazing content. It could be on your website as a blog, or on a social media platform.

Hint this is usually where you like to hang out as well. or if you have been in business for a while it could be in an email to your list of customers.

2/ One piece of content solves ONE problem

Each piece of content you create should have one purpose, one problem to solve for one customer

Most businesses have more than one product or service, they can solve multiple problems and serve more than one customer. I am pretty sure your business can do that too.

However, what I don’t want you to do is try and do it all at the same time in the one piece of content.

This is where a content strategy comes into its own.

Think of it as a birds-eye view of your business solutions, that you can look down on and see which piece of content fits where and how you are going to clearly deliver what your customer wants and as a result what they actually need.

3/ Create Consistency

Start with a schedule you know you can keep. Sounds simple but not always easy. Which leads to a lot of people starting with a bang and fizzling out in a hurry. Burnout is real but can be prevented.

  • Start with one day/week - choose a day that you know you can show up on every week without fail book it in your diary as an appointment with yourself.

  • Know your best time of the day - are you a night owl or an early bird or something in between?

  • Set reminders in your diary or calendar to post every time without fail.

4/ Repurposing saves you time

You create a great piece of content AND reuse it! I will talk more about how to repurpose your content in an upcoming blog. For now, know that repurposing is a great way to repeat your message and share it in numerous places.

Scheduling tools can help with this, as you can repost it next week, next month even next year if you want to. With these tools you can look at sharing across multiple platforms, creating a blog, videos, email etc ….really expanding that birds eye view of your content strategy.

5/ Be Persistent

It can be discouraging. Posting all this content and you get NO likes or engagement except from your mum!

Remember good things take time. You can’t create a gym body in one week or even in one month it takes time and persistence! Think of your online content journey in the same way that you guide your clients. Small consistent steps.

If you keep showing up, you can be confident knowing that your content will one day be in front at just the right time for the right person and they will be ready to buy from you.

If you follow these 5 steps, you will be well on your way to dealing with the overwhelm of organising your content.

Having a structure gives you and your content a purpose. It does take some time but it is so worth it.

Make time to gain time is my thought!

Think about how great you will feel knowing that every piece of content you create will have it’s own place in your overall content strategy!

If you want to bypass doing it all by yourself jump on a call with me here.

Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash


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