How to get the transformation you want without the overwhelm

You know what you want, but how do you get it?

You know what you want.

You want your business to be successful, filled with clients that you can help.

You want to help people improve their health, be well again and live the life they deserve. You know you can help them with that

You know how you want your online content to look. Attractive, interesting, educational informative.

You want people to hear you, find you and work with you. You know that showing up online is a way for people to get to know like and trust you.

You want to do this because you care about helping people transform their health.

You know the transformation you want.

You want your content to go out consistently with ease.

You want a clear message so that people know exactly how you can help then

You want people to buy from you because you are in business, not only to help people get well but to make enough money to live the lifestyle you deserve.

You want to get this done as efficiently as possible so that you can spend time and effort on doing the things you love to do in your business, like coaching more clients and in your life.

You know what you want

But you have a problem you don’t know how to make it happen.

And when you try to start, it can feel terribly overwhelming.

How to start: starting is the hardest part.

What do you say online?

It’s one of the most common reasons people don’t show up online. They can’t think of anything to say.

But you do have something to say, and it’s important that you say it.

When you do think of what you do want to say. You get blocked.

What often stops you is the thought that it’s not an “original” thought. It’s all been said before by people smarter and more experienced than you.

You worry about what others may think. You worry that you’re not the expert. You worry that someone will call you out.

If this is stopping you from showing up, let me remind you that nobody has ever talked about this like you do. And there are people out there who need to hear it from you.

So start thinking of all the things you would like to say online. The things you are passionate about. Think about the problems you deal with, the solutions you provide and who you love to help improve their health and wellness.

Start by making a list.

You know the transformation you want

Think of what your clients want. Just like you they want a transformation.

Whether that’s :

  • to look better

  • to feel better

  • to sleep better

  • to have more energy

But you know what they also don’t know how to start.

That’s where you help them.

By offering your expertise.

You know you can help them.

Remind them of the fact that they want a transformation. They know the outcome they want, as do you.

Their problem is very similar to yours.

They don’t know how to get there and feel overwhelmed by where to start. Their problem seems so large, and difficult to manage so they simply don’t start.

What do they need?

What do these people you are talking to need to reach their full potential?

They need a coach.

Someone who can guide them to their best outcomes with a clear plan that leads them to their goals

To support them when life gets tough

To celebrate their successes

Hold them accountable when it gets boring or things slow done

To help them through when everything feels too overwhelming

To encourage tough love or otherwise.

You coach them.

Coaches need coaches too.

You need coaching on the things that will deliver your transformation online.

The transformation that you can already see, but not necessarily know how to get.

Your transformation to creating and keeping a healthy online presence includes:

1/ Creating a strategy and a plan for your online content that is simple and easy to follow. One that takes away that feeling of overwhelm in less time than you thought. Yes, it will take some work on your part to start, but once done it creates so much more space in your life.

2/ Creating a CLEAR message that leaves no doubt as to how you can help people get the transformation they want.

3/ Discovering ways to get CONFIDENT online. To say what you want, when you want and to the people you want.

4/ Becoming CONSISTENT. Consistency ensures progress. It is not perfection and it certainly isn’t done in a way that leads to burnout

5/ To show up as your TRUE SELF. Why show up as someone else? Only you can deliver your message in a way that works for your clients.

As you know, a good coach doesn’t show their own biases.

You work with your clients in a way that gets them the best results for them based on their goals and their current problem

Here’s what you do

  • You remind them that you can help them reach the transformation they want

  • You show them the solution you have for their problems.

  • You let them know how they can start on their journey.

You are their coach.

And here’s a reminder for you too, all coaches need coaches.

You know what you want. You know you want to be online without all the overwhelm.

Your problem is this. You feel overwhelmed, this is blocking you from creating a healthy online presence.

How do you reduce that feeling of overwhelm?

You simply need to know where to start.

I'm on a mission to help health and wellness business owners to be visible online without hiding their true selves.

Get clarity, confidence and the courage to show up consistently.

The health and wellness industry needs people committed to making a difference.

I do this by "holding space for them" to support them, getting really comfortable in their own skin so that they understand that their work truly does make a difference.

If you’re ready to be visible online without feeling overwhelmed then

Book a call with me here today.

Photo by alysha-rosly-6GZQo28ecoE-unsplash.jpg


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