The Power of ONE: The matrix that will save your content.


You have so much to give, so much content to share with your audience but you don't know what to share first, so you get stuck.

Stuck in the overwhelm of: What do I say today? Who do I say it to? Where do I post it??

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All these questions come up, with no clear answers, the procrastination hits and you're stuck!

There is a simple fix.

You may not like it as it’s not easy. As with many things in life the solution can be simple, doing it however is not always easy.

Keeping this in mind the answer is: just choose ONE!

Simple But Not Easy.

Now before you stop reading in disgust! Let me guide you through a process that will get you unstuck and give your content purpose one step at a time.  I call it the Power of One.

Removing the clutter 

In a previous blog, I talked about content clutter and ways you could declutter your current content. This process of decluttering your content can really help you to start the process of choosing what to share with your audience.

When humans have multiple choices we tend to get paralysed a bit. 

Paralysis by analysis is something I have been very familiar with. Spending time doing all the research, finding all the options,  without having a screening process. This leads to no decision made preventing you from moving forward.

Your clients can experience the same thing when trying to work out what they need to help them solve their problems. Getting  clear on what your clients need and what they want is a key part of your online content strategy process

Before we start on the Power of One, you need to understand this: YOU are amazing.

You help your clients solve their problems. You can solve the problems they never knew they had. 

Because solving one problem, often unearths others. You understand that what they want may not actually be what they need.

BUT here's the thing your clients don't know this yet!

And just because you can solve multiple problems, sometimes for multiple clients, doesn't mean you have to do it all at the same time!

In fact,  this can lead to overwhelm for your customer and confusion for you.

Trying to solve all of their problems at once, results in your audience not being able to make a decision on what's best for them. so they end up buying nothing at all!

And you don’t understand why

By focusing on the Power of One you can turn that around. 

Choosing one problem to focus on will give you clarity and your content purpose.

Find that ONE problem in your Content Strategy.

Having a strategy for your content, where you have a certain number of topics that you know are your zone of genius,  helps even more with which piece of content to focus on now!

Focusing on ONE thing at a time makes you more creative and productive. Once you have removed the clutter and have clear, defined topics then you can focus and be more productive.

Let’s take a look at what I call the 1:1:1 matrix ( The Power of ONE) which will help you achieve this. 

The solution  is the  1:1:1:1 matrix

Let's take it back a step,  beyond the problem. Back to first choosing the client you want to help. This is the first step of the 1:1:1 matrix.

ONE client.

Think about your ideal client, the person you love working with the most, it could be a current customer or client or it could be an ideal client that you create.

Don't be afraid of choosing one. Remember from earlier just choose ONE.

Choosing ONE person, gives you focus. 

Imagine you are a health and wellness coach. You may say: “I help people feel better”.

This is very vague, yes people want to feel better but what does this actually mean?

If you say: “I help people recover their health after an illness” now you have more focus.

Going into further detail: you can expand and say: “I help men over 40 with exercise-induced cardiac conditions to regain their former lifestyle”

. You now have a very specific client that you help.

Now you have ONE client with a problem .

This helps with the next part of the 1:1:1:1 matrix.  Choosing the ONE problem they want to be fixed.

You will have many solutions to your clients’ problems. 

ONE Problem

Your challenge is to find the ONE PROBLEM you would like to focus on.

Taking the example above. You could choose one part of their former lifestyle that is most important to them.

ONE problem that keeps them up at night. The ONE thing that really annoys them. The one thing if they had the solution would make their life so much better and you know how to deliver that ONE solution for them

The next part of the matrix after the ONE client and the ONE problem is choosing the ONE solution.

ONE Solution

Again yes you may have more than 1 solution ( and I am sure you do).

But you need to choose ONE that you know resonates most with your clients’ current needs.

Choose ONE solution your clients think or even know they want!

It may not be what they need, and you know that, but it may be a short-term fix, that will make them feel really good about working with you. WIN - WIN

Then you can introduce other solutions over time, that will cover what they actually need! 

Taking the time to slowly introduce new ideas reduces the overwhelm for you and your client beginning a life long relationship.

Choosing ONE thing:  ONE client, ONE problem and ONE solution is always going to be the hardest part of this matrix. 

But once you have chosen the next part will be that much easier!

As you work through the matrix keep this in mind. Just pick one, just for now, not forever.

Let’s keep going. 

Once we have chosen the first ONE’s we can move on to the next part of the matrix 

ONE Post.

Here's where you get to think about the content you are going to create for ONE post.

How to best get your message across to your audience.

You have focused on ONE specific person, you know theIr ONE problem and you know the ONE solution that will work best for them. Now you can see how it is going to be so much easier to create your post. It can be for social media,  for your copy for your email or your copy for your blog post.

Don’t forget that your one post can be repurposed and used again and again

The 1:1:1:1  matrix is as follows:

One  POST identifies ONE problem and provides ONE solution for ONE client.

Or you can simply think of it like this


Focusing on the ONES makes it easier on you to produce very relevant content for your audience.

Here are the 4 steps again of the 1:1:1:1 matrix

1/ Focus on ONE client

2/ What ONE problem do they have?

3/ What ONE solution are you going to help them with?

4/ Create ONE post that clearly tells them what they need to do!  

How much easier is this now? 

So much clarity and less confusion for your clients making it easier to make a decision to buy from you!

All that work for ONE post!!

But remember that one post can be repurposed into many with the same message that attracts your ideal client. Because it clearly states their one problem for which you have the one solution.


Remember early on I said just for now, not forever.

Now you have a formula, the 1:1:1:1 matrix - the Power of One - to help you create your content posts. 

BONUS: When you have completed your first matrix you can repeat it for the next problem!  And the next and the next.

Using your online content strategy, you can choose different client problems and work on ONE at a time.  

Keep the focus: you want to create ONE post ONE problem and ONE solution for ONE client.

Don’t have an online content strategy? This GUIDE will show you how to create your own.

If you would like some ONE-on-ONE help creating your online content strategy so you can focus on ONE client with ONE problem, ONE solution in ONE post jump on a call with me and let’s chat.

Photo by Lucas van Oort on Unsplash


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